Ortsansicht Reith bei Kitzbühel


The "Tage der offenen Ateliers" (Open Studio Days) also go into the third round in Kitzbühel at the end of June

13.06.2022 / On June 25th and 26th, the province of Tyrol is all about art. For all art enthusiasts, the Kulturnetz Tirol organizes the Tage der offenen Ateliers (Days of Open Studios).

The idea

This event is organized by the association "Kulturnetz Tirol" in order to give more attention and visibility to artists and to motivate visitors to the event with a joint promotional campaign. These get thereby also the opportunity to inform about the works of the respective artists and to purchase these directly in the studio.
There is also a digital platform where selected artists can present their art to the public. All details can be found at www.kulturnetzTirol.at.

In the Kitzbühel region, the Chrissie Elsing studio in Reith was selected.

Reith near Kitzbühel
Fallbichlweg 3
Atelier Chrissie Elsing - watercolor, drawing
June 25th and 26th, 2022 | 1.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Participation in this event is included for members of Kulturnetz Tirol.
For non-members, a one-time fee of EUR 40,00 is payable.

All further information about Destination Kitzbühel can be found at www.kitzbuehel.com

Presserückfragen: Mag.(FH) Anna Lena Obermoser, MA
a.obermoser@kitzbuehel.com | presse.kitzbuehel.com | +43 5356 66660-16

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