[Translate to EN:] Bild eines Mockups von einem Laptop mit dem Kitzbühel Tourismus Unsplash Profil

Presse Kitzbühel 365

Kitzbühel Tourism on the road to digital success

Millions of views after just three months on the creative industry's favourite content platform. The special thing about this platform is that the image material on it is used by professional graphic designers and therefore achieves a comprehensive and high-quality reach.

1.5 million visits and 40,000 downloads

In November last year, 10 photos from Kitzbühel Tourismus, predominantly with winter motifs, were published on the unsplash.com platform. In the first few months, more than 1.5 million profile views and more than 40,000 downloads were recorded. Fun fact in comparison: if you multiply these profile views by the reach of the images used, you achieve more views in one quarter than the Kitzbühel Tourism website does in a year.

Expansion of digital channels as part of the brand relaunch

Kitzbühel Tourismus uses highly frequented channels to increase the reach of the Kitzbühel brand among new and digitally savvy target groups with existing assets. The tool is primarily used to cultivate the community and promote Kitzbühel digitally. In the coming weeks and months, photo competitions and an ongoing expansion of high-quality images with striking landmarks from Kitzbühel are planned.

Kitzbühel Tourism Managing Director Dr Viktoria Veider-Walser sees a lot of potential in the development of new communication channels: "If you include the multiplier effects of the content used, Unsplash creates a large reach in the area of digital projects in a very short time."

All information about Unsplash and Kitzbühel's visibility on the platform can be found at unsplash.com


Press enquiries: Mag. (FH) Anna Lena Obermoser, MA

a.obermoser@kitzbuehel.com | presse.kitzbuehel.com | +43 5356 66660-16

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