Presse Sommer

What is a zebra doing in the Kitzbühel Museum?

On 14 July, folklorist and former mayor of Merano Paul Rösch is expected for an exclusive interview in Kitzbühel. Learn more about his versatile career and his experiences as mayor.

With a background in folklore and history, the renowned politician Rösch earned his degree at the University of Innsbruck. He later became managing director of the Tyrolean Regional Institute in Bolzano, where he was involved in organising cross-border cultural projects.

Particularly noteworthy is Rösch's many years of voluntary work as head of the Urania Adult Education Centre, where he was instrumental in setting up the Provincial Museum of Tourism in Merano, the Touriseum at Trauttmansdorff Castle. After 21 years in this position, he decided to run for mayor of Merano in 2015 - a surprising decision, as he was not a member of the South Tyrolean People's Party.

In an unusual election campaign, Rösch even appeared in a zebra costume and won clearly in the run-off. In 2015, he thus became the first mayor of Merano who did not belong to the South Tyrolean People's Party. During his term in office, which lasted until 2020, he championed a variety of projects and initiatives to advance the development of the city.

On Friday, 14 July 2023 at 6.30 pm, Paul Rösch is expected at the Museum Kitzbühel at the invitation of the Museum Kitzbühel Förderverein. There he will answer questions from the moderator Christoph Steiner and the audience. The evening promises to be a multi-faceted discussion about Rösch's experiences and views.

Members of the Museum Kitzbühel Förderverein have free admission to this event - the regular admission price for the visit including the interview is EUR 8.00.

All information on Destination Kitzbühel can be found at

Contact: Kitzbühel Tourism | Hinterstadt 18 | 6370 Kitzbühel | | +43 5356 66660

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