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30.03.2022 | Living in Kitzbühel

Easter - the most important feast in Christianity




Tradition and customs

Pepi Treichl, as one of Kitzbühel's old hands, knows the traditional Easter customs like no other and is happy to pass them on to further generations.

Kitzbühel mit Kirche


The 40-day Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at Easter Vigil. In the past, fasting was still strict, but today some people abstain from sweets, coffee or alcohol. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the strictest fasting days. In earlier times, there was also a ban on dancing during this period.

Frauen im Dirndl mit Palmbuschen

Palm Sunday for the Palm Consecration

The "Palmbuschen" was tied in the past by the peasant women from juniper berry shrubs, box, palm catkins, oil branches and erica flowers. On Palm Sunday during the procession the "Buschen" is consecrated. This is supposed to protect house and yard from bad weather. In the past, the consecrated branches were kept under the roof to protect against thunderstorms or were lit in the oven during storms.

Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, the bells fly to Rome - all church tower bells fall silent in the country. A sign of mourning for the suffering and death of Jesus. As in most households, on Maundy Thursday there is spinach with potatoes and fried egg. Another custom represents the burying of chicken eggs in the field. This is to ensure a good harvest.

Egg peck for Easter

Especially for the children a great fun at Easter: Einerpecken. The winner got to keep the egg from the loser. If there was a draw, then everyone got to keep their own egg. Pepi has two tips here that are sure to help. To increase the chances of winning, a pointed egg is much more suitable and if the opponent's egg is then hit at an oblique angle, you can be happy about the victory.

Easter eggs dye

Colored Easter eggs are part of the Easter celebration. An equally old and beautiful custom to dye and decorate eggs. Here is a recipe to make the eggs quite simple colorful: 6 eggs, 1kg red onions (only the peel), 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 pantyhose (as light as possible), herb leaves (eg, parsley, marjoram), splits. The Easter eggs are cleaned with vinegar water. After the pantyhose is cut into pieces about 10 cm long, a small herb leaf is placed on each egg and the pantyhose is pulled over it. This is pulled tight and tied at the end with a splits. The onion skins are placed in a pot together with the eggs and hot water is poured over them. Then add vinegar and cook for about 20 minutes. Finally, the eggs only need to cool well, remove the pantyhose and the herb leaf and the red Easter eggs are ready for the Easter basket.


On Easter Sunday, the children look for their "Easter nest" in the garden or in the house. Who will find the most Easter eggs? Then on Easter Sunday, the family really feasts. After the celebration (Easter Vigil) in the church, the holy Easter light, as well as the consecrated food basket, filled with bread, eggs, ham and salt, is taken home and the delicacies enjoyed after Lent.

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