Local Heroes - Anna from the Hasenhof

01.04.2021 | #LocalHeroes

#LocalHeroes | Anna from the Hasenhof

Tradition and customs are close to her heart, Easter with its multitude of customs is almost in the blood of the committed Kitzbühel farmer.

Anna beim Palmbuschen stecken
Ortsbäurin Anna

Spring is the awakening of nature.

For Anna spring means the awakening of nature. Anna particularly enjoys this time of year, even though it also means that "work" on her own farm begins again for her

Bäurinn Anna

Preserve customs and traditions

In her functions, Anna lives the regional traditions and preserves the local customs. Anna is a passionate farmer and puts her heart and soul into her work. Many Tyrolean traditions are rooted around Easter. The peasant customs are many and varied - over Lent, Palm Sunday to Easter week, there is a lot of work to be done. Not only in the household, agriculture, but also in the village community, the former local farmer and local councilor Anna is active.

Oster Heuhasen

Committed for years

Anna has been involved with the Kitzbühel farmers’ wives for many years in making Easter decorations together – the human-sized hay and rabbit figures, which are bound by themselves, are a delight for children and adults alike. The hay figures are lovingly tied by hand, dressed in traditional twine and set up in the region.

Bäurinn Anna beim Kochen
Palm Brezeln backen

Easter in blood

For the forthcoming Easter festival, the familiy first festively decorate the farmhouse in the domestic setting, then the traditional Easter classics are baked and several palm bushes are bound for the consecration. The pretzels for the handmade palm bushes are of course baked by Anna herself according to an old family recipe – top secret, of course!

The traditional Easter eggs are dyed in the house only with natural colours, with the patterns of dried hay flowers the coloured eggs are a special eye-catcher. The Easter pinks baked from yeast dough are also part of Anna’s annual Easter ritual – her family is delighted, as a fine Easter Sunday brunch is also a culinary highlight.

At the end of our visit Anna is still going into raptures, because for her the place where she lives and the variety of traditions lived is much more than usual.

Kitzbühel is home, it is a beautiful place – simply a dream to live and work here.

Local Heros

 #LocalHeroes from Kitzbühel 

People are behind all the special moments in Kitzbühel and its holiday villages of Reith, Aurach and Jochberg. Such personalities are the focus of our “Local Heroes” series, in which we turn the spotlight on the true heroes of our region. Though these courageous individuals probably don’t consider themselves to be heroic, in our eyes they are. After all, their passion contributes to Kitzbühel’s unique way of life.

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