Blasorchester Musikzubehör

Sommer Kitzbühel 365

Symphonic Wind Orchestra Kitzbühel & Westwinds unite for double concert

17.06.2022 / The two orchestras Symphonic Wind Orchestra Kitzbühel (SBO) and Westwinds present their concert on July 06, 2022 in Kitzbühel - pure fascination at the highest musical level.

Pleasant sounding top event is brought out to Tyrol

When two top-class orchestral groups meet, a lot is on offer. Just as versatile and impressive as the sports town of Kitzbühel presents itself, it is also to be expected from the musical event series of the SBO Kitzbühel together with Westwinds. Since its founding in 2018, the symphonic brass band has been delighting audiences with a fascinating combination of classical brass music paired with innovative concert projects, quickly making a name for itself on the scene. The team around the organizational director Josef Hetzenauer as well as the conductor Daniel Neuschmid stands out in the brass band world with a modern freshness. Similarly enrich the music group Westwinds from Telfs. The organization is subject thereby district chairman Bruno Haselwanter and district bandmaster Alois Kranebitter, conductor is Wolfang Kostner.

The symphonic wind orchestras of the districts Kitzbühel and Telfs offer a triple concert series. Among them their performance on Wednesday, 06th July at 8.00 pm in the K3 Kitzkongress in Kitzbühel. Before that, the SBO Kitzbühel will kick off the series with a stand-up concert at 6.00 pm as part of the Kitzbühel Klassik event. A classical marching concert awaits in fair weather in the school park or in bad weather in the courtyard of the district headquarters Kitzbühel. Further double concert dates take place in Telfs and Innsbruck. The program can be seen: As part of the special show together, the two present a contemporary interpretation from an exciting selection of great symphonic original works - a mix that guarantees enthusiasm.

All details about the concert series of the SBO Kitzbühel & Westwinds

                :: Tuesday, July 5th, 2022 8.00 pm | Telfs/Rathaussaal
                :: Wednesday, July 6th, 2022 8.00 pm | Kitzbühel/K3 Kitzkongress
                :: Tuesday, July 19th, 2022 7:30 pm | Innsbruck/Hofburg

Tickets for the concert in Kitzbühel are available for EUR 15.00 at the box office or in advance via
On the concert evening in Kitzbühel, free parking is available at the Hahnenkamm parking lot.

You can find all information on

Presserückfragen: Mag. (FH) Anna Lena Obermoser, MA | | +43 5356 66660-16

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